Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Chapter 4, Heavy Hands, focuses on Child Abuse. The reason that I chose this is due to the issues that can arise from a child being abused. It is estimated that over 30% of children witness abuse. It also states that children who are witnesses to Domestic Violence are at a greater risk for psychological, behavioral, social, and educational problems later in life and are also at a greater risk for physical abuse against their children later in life.

The Makers Foundation uploaded a 911 domestic violence call from a child witnessing abuse
(2012). This was done to heighten awareness of the effects of DV on children. Retrieved from

This site has a summarization of the state laws and circumstances surrounding a child witnessing domestic violence."Child Witnesses to Domestic Violence: Summary of State Laws."  (2009)
Retrieved from www.childwelfare.gov/systemwide/laws_policies/statutes/witnessdvall.pdf

The National Center for Children Exposed to Violence (2003) is an organization that provides resources, trainings, and forums to individuals and groups of the effects of domestic violence on children. Retrieved from http://www.nccev.org/violence/domestic.html

This new article by Dado, N. (2012). Discusses the impact that domestic violence and child abuse in the family. Retrieved from http://www.arabamericannews.com/news/index.php?mod=article&cat=Community&article=5210

This song by Christina Aguilara, "WHY?" (2008).  Represents the feelings I had while reading this chapter. Retrieved from http://www.youtube.com/embed/y0MU35wEwJU"

Ducklow, D. Domestic abuse: "mandatory arrest policies: failure to break the cycle of violence." (2011).

·         Definition of Domestic Abuse

·         Mandatory Arrest Defined

·         Research that suggests enforcing mandatory arrest policies are ineffective

·         Cycle of violence theory


·         RECOMMENDATIONS: all states to have mandatory arrest laws, new legislation focusing on increases sanctions during sentencing when a child is within audio or presence of a child during a domestic violence event, “No Drop” prosecutions when children are present, and mandated victim involved in criminal justice proceedings
Retrieved from http://digital.library.wisc.edu/1793/53940

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